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#10 – How to Talk about God – Facebook ads


Today will be about how to reach lots of people on your campus or in your city.

Sixty years ago, there was a business in the U.S. that sold brushes. Hair brushes, dusting brushes, scrubbing brushes.

Here’s what they did to bring their products to their customers.

Sales people would lug around back-breaking, leather sample cases, filled with brushes. Every day they’d walk neighborhood sidewalks, up to a home, away from a home. Home-by-home, they’d knock on front doors. Hoping to be granted five minutes to deliver their sales message, and sell a brush or two.

Sales people bringing their products to the customer.

Then shopping malls became popular. People no longer wanted sales people knocking on their door. They would rather go to the mall and find it themselves. They could shop when they wanted, and avoid the awkward pressure of having to respond to a sales person who came to their home.

Businesses had to change their focus. Now they had to make sure they created a great store in the mall. Though they still needed sales people, they focused on counter displays, colors, and fostering an inviting sales environment. Customers would be drawn into the store, with freedom to look on their own.

In the last ten years, because of the Internet, businesses had to shift once again. Sales people and the store environment might still be important, but it became clear, the business is sunk if they don’t have a website.

They must be easily found on the Internet. At whatever moment a customer might have a need or be interested in products like theirs. Whenever the person sits down and begin searching…their product had better show up.

Today, stores are struggling to justify their rent, cost, employees. More and more people are buying online, where it’s convenient, fast for them.

What does this mean for us?

People are most comfortable finding what they want on the Internet. It is the FIRST place they turn to if they want to know something or need anything.

Every day, think of the effort you put in, trying to meet people who might give you an opening to share the gospel with them.

There must be days you FEEL like you’re lugging around a sample case of brushes, with that nagging thought, “There must be an easier way.”

There is. On the Internet, thousands will come to you. You just have to give them the opportunity.

Just make your message “findable.”

On campuses in Chicago, Ray reached 70 students on his campus for $20. Emily reached 86 students for $33. And Becca reached 132 students on her campus for $39.

In many countries, Facebook advertising is cheaper. In Albania, in two hours we reached 44 people for less than $2. It was go great, we continued to run the ad for a second day…reaching nearly 2,000 people (in this Muslim nation) for $105. (That’s about 5 cents each.)

The ads are already created for you – just copy and paste!

This is an easy way for people to find your message…to find reasons to believe in Jesus and give their life to Him.

This page will show you how to do this:

Thank you for your heart for the gospel!

Marilyn Adamson
director of

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